Many of us never think about how lucky we are to be able to take a walk, hold a conversation or even cook a meal without feeling pain. We often take it for granted and may even feel disdain about having to spend time on our feet in the kitchen. Conversely, there are many people who would give anything to be able to simply cook a meal in the kitchen without feeling pain, particularly those with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that damages and eventually destroys the protective covering around the nerves. Put simply, MS leads to reduced communication amongst body parts which causes them not to work properly while sufferers experience chronic fatigue, pain and difficulty with balance and coordination.
According to data from Healthline, MS is the most widespread disabling neurological condition of young adults around the world with 400,000 known cases in the US and 200 new cases diagnosed each week.
Since March is National Multiple Sclerosis Month, we felt it was fitting to honor one of our customers whom suffers from MS and penned this open letter to us after her experience on a SmartCells Anti-fatigue Mat:
As you know I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (M.S.) in 1984. As the years passed it has progressed to the point where I must use a cane, walker or wheelchair to maintain my balance in order to perform the usual daily activities (those that most people take for granted). One of the most difficult has been preparing meals and washing dishes. Anything that takes standing for even a short period to accomplish the task created a great deal of fatigue and required constant periods of resting.
I am so pleased to tell you that since being introduced to the SmartCells anti-fatigue mat I not only am having less trouble standing for periods of time but I have been able to give up the back brace I was using. My back and leg fatigue have almost disappeared with the use of this wonderful mat and my energy has returned to being comfortable instead of being exhausted (even after the smallest tasks.) You can only imagine what a change it has made in my life. MS is a complicated disease and affects most everyone differently but I recommend SmartCells Anti-fatigue mats to anyone who has any mobility (even a limited amount) to try it and I am sure they will benefit and be as pleased as I am with the positive results.
Thank you for introducing this product to me – I am so grateful I know I will use it forever.
Thank you so much.