“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.” –Melody Beattie
For many, the beginning of the new year provides a great chance to reflect on the past, wipe the proverbial slate clean, and set goals and resolutions for the upcoming year.
Perhaps the most popular resolution set for the new year is to exercise more and live a healthier lifestyle. In fact, each year nearly 50% of Americans make a New Year’s resolution to do exactly that. However, in the year that follows, 92% of those people let the spark of their New Year’s resolution fade away and die.
With an innumerable amount of ways a resolution could go belly up it may seem counterintuitive to even set resolutions in the first place. In spite of this, there are several health benefits of setting goals including: a better sense of clarity, peace of mind and increased productivity. With the following tips, we are confident you will successfully conquer your New Year’s Resolutions for 2018:
- Don’t go resolution crazy. Setting one or two focused goals will allow you to spend the appropriate amount of time and energy on them.
- Be realistic. If your resolution is to run a marathon, set a realistic time frame for completion and focus on small steps to achieve your final goal.
- Plan, Plan, Plan. With whatever goal you set, plan milestone celebrations to keep your motivation alive.
- Phone a friend. Conquering goals is always easier and more fun when you do it with people you love. Having a good support system will ensure success.
- Focus on the positive. If you’re having a particularly rough day and feeling down on yourself, try thinking about how far you’ve come rather than how far you have left to go.
- Stick to it. It may be hard, but experts say it takes 3 weeks for a behavior to become a habit and 6 months for it to become part of your personality. Don’t give up.
If your New Year’s Resolution has anything to do with exercise or being healthier, SmartCells Personal training products will be there to help you succeed and keep you feeling good.
The family of SmartCells Personal Training products utilizes the same cushioning technology that has long been trusted by major companies as an anti-fatigue solution for their standing workforce and, in senior living settings, as a solution to keep senior citizens safe from fall-related injuries.
Available in three different colors (Black, Light Brown, and Grey) as well as three different sizes (36”X60”, 52”X60”, 52”X88”), the remarkable SmartCells Personal Training mats are low profile (1/2”) and have molded-in beveled edges. For custom applications, SATECH offers custom-sized mats and a wall-to-wall flooring option that is perfect for in-home gyms and aerobics flooring.
Want to enjoy SmartCells Cushioning on-the-go?
Check out our all-new line of Zelus Insoles. Our insoles come in two styles (Simply SmartCells Cushioning and SmartCells Cushioning with arch support), and are biomechanically designed to reduce pain, improve performance and prevent future injuries. You can learn more about them at www.zelusinsoles.com.
SmartCells Personal Training: I feel good