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SmartCells Cushioning Technology is TAA Compliant–here’s why it matters for you

For many, it’s enough for us to say that we’re TAA compliant–but do you know what it actually means? Whether you’re in need of a refresh on TAA compliance or you’re here to learn more about this part of our business, we’ve got you covered in this article!

So what is TAA Compliance?

The Trade Acts Agreement (TAA) refers to specific requirements for companies who sell their products to the U.S. Government and ensures eligibility for government contracts. The TAA was originally enacted in the US in 1979 in order to promote fair trade and American businesses competing against the global marketplace. 

TAA compliance covers three groups of products–designated country end products made in countries with trade agreements with the US, foreign end products made outside of these countries, and domestic end products made entirely in the US. SmartCells Technology falls into the last category, with all our products being made entirely from our US facility. 

If a product complies with the TAA, then it has to be made in the US or a designated country, or have undergone a significant change in form, fit, or function in one of these countries. In other words, the product has to meet US regulations at every aspect of the supply chain. Companies like SmartCells have to stay up to date with any changes to the TAA, keep a very detailed inventory, and keep track of each part of their supply chains.

Why is TAA Compliance important for SmartCells’ customers?

SmartCells is rigorous in maintaining our TAA compliance, not just to expand our customer base, but also to offer an assurance to all of our customers. These standards demonstrate our commitment to ethical and responsible business practices and let our customers know that every material that goes into our products is the best quality possible. 

After all, SmartCells Cushioning Technology was founded to create a safer environment for all of our customers, be it in a workspace, a play surface, a gym, or a home. Being TAA compliant is just one of the ways that we do this, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve led the charge for years in developing standards for fall protection, incorporating recycled materials in our fabrication, and even incorporating our work into custom orthotics. 

For anti-fatigue flooring that is proven to fit any environment and improve your safety, head over to shop page and browse our full product directory to find the right solution for your needs.

Let us help you find the right solution

Not sure where to start? Our customer service and sales representatives – who are just as knowledgeable about the product as the scientists who created it – would be happy to help you understand more.