Last month our renowned line of SmartCells Fall protection mats and flooring were featured at the 2014 National Fall Prevention Conference, in Canada.
The 2014 conference titled “Watch Your Step,” was held in Toronto, and co-hosted by the Ontario Injury Prevention Resource Centre, the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit and the Toronto Rehabilitation Network.
SmartCells Fall Protection mats and flooring technology was featured by leading researchers, including Dr. Stephen Robinovitch, Associate Professor at Simon Fraser University, who spoke on the importance of fall prevention but also emphasized the need for injury protection.
Considering, nearly 35 percent of people over the age of 65 fall each year and each fall can be life altering for this vulnerable population, simply preventing a fall isn’t enough; we need to prevent injuries from falls. It’s not the fall that hurts; it’s the landing.
Comparative studies and research indicate substantial reduction in fall-related injuries such as contusions and skin tears when using SmartCells fall injury prevention mats and flooring.
The unique structure of SmartCells, also known as dual-stiffness flooring, provides users with a stable standing surface that will not cause a balance impaired person to lose their balance, while at the same time provide significant cushioning if a fall does occur.
SmartCells flooring, provides protection wherever fall might occur, without the intrusion of an above-the-floor mat. As an underlayment, your SmartCells floor will look no different than your current floors.
SmartCells Fall Protection mats combine effectiveness with style and quality, including features like a low profile height (1/2”) and molded-in beveled edges which reduce tripping hazards and allow most wheeled objects to roll over the mat, without needing to move it out of the way.
SmartCells Fall Protection mats are available in a variety of colors (Black, Light Brown, and Grey) and configurations ranging from build-your-own mats and custom flooring to pre-sized mats (3×5 and 24×68).
SmartCells Fall Protection mats and flooring will be there for your loved ones when you can’t.