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SmartCells: The Solution to Rising Fall-Related Death Rates

Data collected by the World Health Organization and the World Bank suggests the world average life expectancy at birth increased from 48 years in 1950 to 72.2 years in 2017. 

Further, when considering potential lifespan, which is defined by the longest observed human life from birth to death, the current accepted max lifespan is 122 years. 

There’s no doubt, thanks to science and modern medicine, we are living longer lives.

Despite all the advances in medicine and technology, people over the age of 65 are prematurely dying at alarming rates, and it’s not due to sickness or natural causes.

It’s because of fall-related injuries.

Over the last decade the rate of fall-related deaths among older adults has increased. Current data indicates that falls are the leading cause of fatal injury, and every 19 minutes an older adult dies from fall-related injuries.

To combat this, many health professionals and care organizations are implementing falls awareness campaigns, providing classes on how to fall safely, developing exercise programs centered around increasing strength, and creating better fall prevention care.

While this all helps, falls are still happening.

As much as we’d like to be there all the time to protect our elderly loved one’s from a fall-related injury, we can’t.

But SmartCells can be.

SmartCells Fall Protection products provide a safe solution that allows users to remain independent, while also giving peace of mind that they are safe.

Based on years of valid, time-tested, third party research, our patented SmartCells technology is specifically engineered to absorb and dissipate fall-related impacts laterally.

The unique structure becomes softer as compressed, not harder like traditional foam, providing 5 times the capacity to absorb high impact energy and minimize ground reaction force, effectively reducing the likelihood of a fall-related injury.

Our family of Fall Protection solutions are available in pre-sized mats, wall-to-wall flooring and custom applications based on specific needs. In addition, the flooring can be used as a standalone system or cushioned subfloor.

SmartCells: Solutions to Life’s Painful Problems.

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