The rise of ecommerce and the increasingly popular “Microwave Mentality” of the millennial generation is challenging warehouse logistics to adapt to the more demanding needs. They want to order today and have it in hand tomorrow.
In response to this increased demand, several leading companies including Amazon and FedEx are pursuing hybrid warehouse layouts mixing human laborers with automation to better serve their customers and increase “picking speed at the lowest expense”. (Source: Supply Chain Dive)
While the hybrid warehouse facility layout may be optimized for efficient production, it fails to address the ergonomic needs of standing workers.
Considering this, many Amazon warehouses utilize SmartCells Anti-fatigue solutions to keep their “human laborers” productive and feeling good.
Can SmartCells anti-fatigue mats really help you enhance productivity?
The short answer is yes. Keep reading to learn exactly how.
Through years of careful development based on valid third-party research, the unique SmartCells™ cushioning technology has been ergonomically engineered to resist bottoming out without being too soft while providing an optimized balance of stability and instability.
This advanced cushioning technology consists of a rubber surface layer supported by a matrix of rubber columns that soften in response to surface pressure to provide maximum fatigue relief.
SmartCells Anti-fatigue technology is available in pre-sized mats for single workstations or as a custom flooring solution designed to meet the needs of your specific environment.
Do more for your workforce. Feel good while standing at work. With SmartCells ergonomically engineered custom flooring, mats, and insoles. Solutions for the workplace.