Fall is well underway and the sun-burnt grass here in the Northwest is starting to be hidden by falling leaves. As we watch the leaves fall we are awestruck by the beauty and gracefulness of nature. As graceful as a falling leaf can be, we are reminded of the not-so-graceful falls of our elderly loved ones and the often tragic outcomes.
It’s no secret that as people age, the likelihood that they will experience a physical fall or fall-related injury greatly increases.
In fact, statistics released by the CDC show that among people aged 65 to 69, one out of every 200 falls results in a hip fracture. However, that number increases to one out of every 10 for those aged 85 and older.
SmartCells build-your-own-fall protection mat
We have often blogged about environmental and external factors that can be changed to reduce the likelihood of a fall and/or a fall-related injury such as home safety tips, how to fall, picking the right fall protection products and how to avoid dangerous areas in the home but we have rarely touched on the bodily factors that can affect the likelihood of a fall.
In our upcoming blog series we will outline ways to reduce the risk of a fall or fall-related injury for you or an elderly loved one by focusing on these bodily factors:
- Eyesight
- Hearing
- Feet
- Bones
As we tackle this series, it is good to keep in mind that while it is important to reduce the likelihood of a fall, chances are, that at one point or another you or a loved one will experience a fall.
In the case of a fall, having precautionary measures in place like SmartCells fall protection mats and flooring can be the difference between a bruise and a broken bone.
SmartCells fall protection mats and flooring employ a unique dual-stiffness technology that provides a stable, safe surface for standing, walking, wheeling and transferring, while at the same time provide significant cushioning in case of a slip or fall.
SmartCells fall-protection mats are safe and elegant. They combine style and quality with molded-in beveled edges and allow wheeled objects to easily roll over them. SmartCells fall protection mats are constructed of material that will not absorb liquid offering a practical solution to infection control issues. SmartCells fall-protection flooring acts as an underlayment for many choices of standard floor covering, so you won’t even know it’s there, until a fall occurs.
SmartCells Fall Protection: We’ll be there when you can’t be.