Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions with SMART Goals and SmartCells

Since the holiday season happens during the last months of the year and ends with the start of a new year, it is often a time filled with reflection over the past year and hope for success in the year to come.

But, as we all know, simply hoping for success doesn’t do much. One must actually put in the hard work and planning to be successful. This is why New Year’s Resolutions are so popular.

However, even after making a New Year’s resolution, statistics show that many people fail at actually following through with their resolution. In fact, according to US News, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February. 

Yikes! Those numbers sound bad.

While there are many reasons New Year’s resolutions fail, we would venture to guess a majority of them are due to poor planning and execution. That’s where SMART Goals come in.

SMART is a goal setting methodology that was brought to popularity by a 1981 article in the magazine, Management Review, written by George Doran. The word “SMART” is an acronym that stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

Research shows that utilizing the SMART goal methodology to come up with your resolutions AND writing them down will increase your likelihood of success by 33%.

So, what is a good example of a SMART goal? We’re glad you asked. Keep reading to find out.

SMART Goal: By March 2019, I will lose 10 lbs so that I can feel confident in my bathing suit on Spring Break.

Let’s break it down now.

Specific: Lose 10 lbs by March 2019.
Measurable: A 10 lb weight loss is easily measured using a scale.
Attainable: Experts say 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week is healthy and doable.
Relevant: You’re going on vacation in March so you have relevant motivation to lose weight.
Timely: The goal should be achieved by March 2019.

As you can see, setting SMART goals is a simple, fast process that can help you achieve amazing results. But, it is only the first step in the process. For more resolution success tips, check out our article titled “7 Tips to Conquer Your New Year’s Resolutions”.

Here at SATECH, Inc., we believe that achieving your goals shouldn’t hurt.

That’s why we’ve engineered anti-fatigue and performance training mats, flooring and insoles featuring SmartCells Cushioning Technology.

SmartCells is our patented technology designed to provide a stable, yet cushioned foundation that improves performance, increases comfort and reduces the likelihood of an injury.

Whether your New Year’s Resolution is to work out more, stand more at your desk, or do more chores around the house, we have a SmartCells solution that will help you reach your goal and keep you feeling good in the process.

Click the button below to find the SmartCells Solution that best fits your goals.

SmartCells: Solutions to Life’s Painful Problems.